Saturday, August 01, 2009

Police Corruption, Organized Stalking & Human Experimentation


Police Corruption

Organized Gang Stalking

Human Experimentation

3439 Ramsey Street PMB #122
Fayetteville, North Carolina 28311
20th of July 2009

President Barack Obama
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20500

Mark Kappelhoff, Chief
Civil Rights Criminal Division
U.S. Department Of Justice
950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20530-0001

Anthony D. Romero; Executive Director
American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)
125 Broad Street, 18th Floor
New York, NY 10004

RE: Police Corruption, Human Experimentation, Electronic Harassment, Organized Gang Stalking groups and biological terrorism

Dear President Obama, U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder, Chief Mark Kappelhoff of the Civil Rights Criminal Division and Executive Director Anthony Romero of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU),

I am writing you this affidavit to inform you that upon filing a complaint against the Fayetteville Police Department (FPD), I was placed in a human experimentation program. And, as a result of entering this program, I was forced out of my home.

It all started on October 15, 2007 at 9:47 PM when two officers approached me. They were officer's W. Jarquin 338 and officer's C. McCoy 392. I was asked to present my identification. I refused.

Affidavit Continue

Cover Letter

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Licensed: Free To Pursue My Dreams

This is the last personal blog about me for a while. But I'm currently a license driver of the state of North Carolina (November 21, 2007). Although challenging at first (not the driving part), I sufficed. I owe one person particularly for making this happen. I'm also not homeless in the traditional sense of the word. I'm just waiting for a few repairs to be made and I will be off the streets, at least for a little while. It is my journey to learn all that it is about being a homeless and black man in America. If I can't do that, I'm not a real reporter.

Other news:

A new hosting company is being sought out for Black Conscious The currently hosting company is inadequate when it comes to hosting non-traditional html pages. This has been an on-going battle, but I might have found a more suitable provider for this purpose. In essence, it will take at least a month to get it setup because of my housing situation. Other than that, I'm very hopeful that things will work out towards the end.


Thursday, June 21, 2007

DMV In North Carolina

I went to the DMV to get some information about applying for a license. What I was told before I was rushed out of the office was that I needed to bring my photo id, birth certificate and social security card. It should also included a phone or utility bill for proof of address.

This one item has brought me to a breaking point. If I'm homeless, how am I to prove where I live. So after being "thrown" out of the DMV a couple of times, I called their number to see if they can answer my questions there. One operator could not believe I was this old and never had a driver's license. I said, "Miss, I'm from New York and you don't need a vehicle." She hanged up the phone. So I waited for another operator to speak to me.

Meanwhile, I'm using my minutes up for a call that should have been answered at the DMV office. I thought New York was bad, but every since I been in North Carolina, I wish I never left New York.

Anyway, the second lady was a little younger, but suprisingly more maturer. She told me all I needed was a self-stamp envelope with my address on it. I was thinking to myself. WOW! the man at the DMV just told me I need a utility bill. Then I thought again... WHICH ONE IS IT! If I go into the DMV and I bring this self-stamp envelope and it isn't accepted, I'M SCREWED BIG TIME!!

Also what bothered me about this process is that I was told I needed Insurance before I get the license. But I was thinking... But the car dealer won't sell me the car without a license. And the insurance company can't give me insurance without a vehicle.

But luckily I was able to talk to someone. He told me to go to South Carolina. They don't have all these qualifications that they have here. But there is a problem. If I go to South Carolina it would have to be for a very short period, because most of my stuff is here in North Carolina. (The more valuable stuff is still in New York).

For instance, my storage room is here, my mail box where I receive mail is here. But the way things looks, I will have to be homeless in South Carolina in order to get my license..

I just can't forget the reason how I ended up in North Carolina because the rent and the cost of living was so expensive in Virginia. I had an apartment, but I wasn't saving anything. So I took a risk to come down here to connect with a business relationship that fell through.

And when it fell through, instead of running back to miserable Virginia, I became homeless in North Carolina (2 weeks). Now I'm about to become homeless in another state that I'm not at all familiar with so I can get a license without all the hassles that North Carolina is giving me.

How strange is that?


Friday, April 20, 2007

Virginia Tech Shooting

I started this blog by talking about mind control and how it affects people's behavior, but I think many of my readers will just over look it. So I'm going to write this blog that is geared to a general populas.

One the person who did the shooting was ASIAN.

The person is from China.

China is a growing economic world power.

Asians are the highest achieving student in America.

The reason why I mentioned all of these things, is people are so quick to over look what is more important.

And as I see things, nothing is in a vaccum. If this incident happened, it is for a reason.
Do not think for one second that the white man is going to sit idioly by and let these Asian students push him aside as the new power authority. He will do whatever that is necessary to taint their image (as he has done blacks for centuries), until he can get them to be proud americans (alcholics, drug addics/sellers, homeless, prisioners, sexual predators, illeterate, etc. etc.).

I'm not painting a broad picture. I'm telling you how it is and what I have witness as an African American male.

You can continue to be STUPID, or you can open your EYES. YOUR CHOICE!

But these concerns are very real.

I might not be able to articulate this message in the way that will make you feel comfortable, but as a member of a oppressed group, I have to tell it the way it is.

I GOT THAT OFF MY CHEST! And there will be many more other posts like this one.

I don't have time to pretend. European world domination is real!

For instance, look at IRAQ, Afganistan and IRAN.

Why IRAQ, Afganistan and IRAN?

Doesn't it come off as strange that all of these countries are connected?

Think of the word "PIPELINE"

Think of the cold war.

It never really disappeared (that's what "they" (the emperior powers) want us to believe).

Just recently I saw a report on Nightline about Russia's economic influence, because it is an oil rich country.

The Americans aren't in Iraq and Afgan. to save people from the taliban. They are there to build this PIPELINE that will cover the entire middle east.

911 was just a coverup to build this damn! thing!!

911: Arab terriorist was never involved. These were contrators.. the same contrators that control these international corporations, which do not abid by U.S. laws.

So the next time you read the paper, watch tv or view the weblines, consider these facts first.


Thursday, November 23, 2006

The Truth About 'Thanksgiving'

"Where White Men Fear To Tread".

"When we met with the Wampanoag people, they told us that in researching the history of Thanksgiving, they had confirmed the oral history passed down through their generations. Most Americans know that Massasoit, Chief of the Wampanoag, had welcomed the so-called Pilgrim Fathers-and the seldom mentioned Pilgrim Mothers-to the shores where his people had lived for millennia. The Wampanoag taught the European colonists how to live in our hemisphere by showing them what wild foods they could gather, how, where, and what crops to plant, and how to harvest, dry, and preserve them.

The Wampanoag now wanted to remind white America of what had happened after Massasoit's death. Massasoit was succeeded by his son, Metacomet, whom the colonists called "King" Philip. In 1675-1676, to show "gratitude" for what Massasoit's people had done for their fathers and grandfathers, the Pilgrims manufactured an incident as a pretext to justify disarming the Wampanoag.

The whites went after the Wampanoag with guns, swords, cannons, and torches. Most, including Metacomet, were butchered. His wife and son were sold into slavery in the West Indies. His body was hideously drawn and quartered.

For twenty-five years afterward, Metacomet's skull was displayed on a pike above the whites' village. The real legacy of the Pilgrim Fathers is treachery. Most Americans today believe that Thanksgiving celebrates a boar harvest, but that is not so.

By 1970, the Wampanoag had turned up a copy of a Thanksgiving proclamation made by the governor of the colony, the text revealed the ugly truth: After a colonial militia had returned from murdering the men, women, and children of an Indian village, the governor proclaimed a holiday and feast to give thanks for the massacre. He encouraged other colonies to do likewise-in other words, every autumn the crops are in, go kill Indians and celebrate your murders with a feast.

The Wampanoag we met at Plymouth came from everywhere in Massachusetts. Like many other eastern nations, theirs had been all but wipe out. The survivors found refuge in other Indian nations that had not succumbed to European diseases or to violence. The Wampanoag went into hiding or joined the Six Nations or found homes among the Delaware Shawnee nations, to name a few. Some also sought refuge in one of the two hundred eastern-seaboard nations that were later exterminated.

Nothing remains of those nations but their names, and even some of those have been lost. Other Wampanoag, who couldn't reach another Indian nation, survived by intermarriage with black slaves or freedmen. It is hard to imagine a life terrible enough that people would choose instead, with all their progeny, to become slaves, but that is exactly what some Indians did."

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Schools Teach Young Black Men to Fail Academically

By Armstrong Williams

Not long ago I attended a high school basketball game between local D.C. rivals. I was absolutely amazed at the level of intensity with which these young men played. Both teams, made up entirely of young black males, possessed a strong desire to win, and the level at which they competed demonstrated that it was this desire to be victorious that pushed them all to respect and learn the game.

Both teams ran complicated plays, perfectly executed the directions of the coach and never seemed to tire. When one of the young men made a bad decision, he was immediately admonished by the coach, who exclaimed, "You are better than that!" Nodding his head, as if to show he agreed with the coach's statement, the young man refocused and played flawless basketball for the rest of the game.

I left this game not only impressed, but full of hope. Here were 24 young black men competing at an incredibly high level – a group that is often stigmatized as being lazy, unmanageable, slow to learn and undisciplined. Many people wonder how a group that has so many problems succeeding in the classroom could excel at a sport that requires one to use the same qualities possessed by a great student.

The answer is simple: expectations. Black men are expected to be exceptional athletes. Such expectations push them at a very early age to cultivate and perfect their skills on the field or court. In the eyes of many it's almost a sin for a young black man to be a poor athlete. He would face belittlement not only from his peers but also from society as whole.

Now, for sure, some racists claim that blacks are simply born with the natural ability to become exceptional athletes; such an argument has no merit, however. While it may be true that on the average, black men are physically larger than other races, size and strength play only a minimal role in determining one's success as an athlete.

To compete at the highest level of any sport takes a tremendous amount of discipline, since the athlete must devote energy and time to perfecting such skills as dribbling or passing. In addition, success hinges greatly on the athlete's intelligence. He must not only commit large amounts of information to memory but also be able to adapt to the play of his opponent. If the athlete is unable to think analytically, his jumping abilities and speed will prove useless as he will simply be outsmarted by his opponent.

The fact of the matter is that young black men excel at sports because they work at it, and they work at it because they know that it will be held to a higher standard than all others. The coach who reassured his young player that he could play better did not really have to say anything at all; he already knew he was better, not out of any sense of false pride, but from understanding that he had adequately prepared himself to excel in such an atmosphere.

If we juxtapose public school coaches' expectations of black male players with public school teachers' expectations of black male students, the difference is night and day. Young black men are expected to fail in the realm of academia; consequently, most of them do. Go into any inner city public school and you will witness excellence on the basketball court and failure in the classroom. Public schools reinforce society's low expectations of black males.

The abysmal test scores among this group of students are largely a matter of social conditioning. If held to a higher standard, black men would work just as hard to perfect their writing as they do their jump shot. However, unlike coaches, teachers don't admonish black males; they accept their failure and even reward it by passing them on to the next grade.

By the time they reach high school, most black men are so far behind, they simply give up. And those who do go on to graduate are hit with the stinging realization that their abilities as an athlete will not help them gain employment, unless, of course, they are one of the exceptional few who make the pros.

Young black men must be compelled to compete in the classroom if they are ever to achieve success in life. However, the only way public schools will be compelled to lift black men from the depths of academic despair is if they themselves are forced to compete with private schools. This can be achieved with school vouchers, which would allow parents to put their children in schools that will hold them to higher standards in the classroom.

Such policy has not taken off because teachers unions vehemently oppose vouchers. They recognize that vouchers would mean fewer teachers, fewer membership dues, the likely defections by public school personnel to privatized systems that have traditionally resisted centralized unionization, and the birth of competing collective bargaining entities.

For the teachers unions, the idea of competition can only mean giving up leverage. Nevertheless, if faced with such competition, public schools would be forced to push their young black men to succeed in the classroom, just as they push them on the basketball court.

With that said, perhaps what is even more important than the expectations of teachers and society as a whole are the expectations of parents. According to The Center for the Study of Sport and Society at Northeastern University, a poor African-American family is seven times more likely to encourage a male child into sports than is a white family.

Sadly, many black parents believe their children are unable to compete academically, so they push their children to develop athletically, and public schools simply reinforce this devastating mentality on a daily basis.

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Independence Day and African Americans

Happy July 4th for those who celebrate it! I don't, but I'm not going to take away it from someone else.

There are too many unanswered questions concerning Independence Day when it concerns African American or Black people. When the day was founded in 1776, Black people were still in slavery. They were not citizens and did not have any rights that the white man was bound to respect.

But unfortunately, many of "us" who celebrate this holiday, forget that to be a slave, we were forced to perform manual labor that most people could not do.

But what about before slavery? What about the time we were able to express our freewill without being presecuted?

This didn't happened under slavery, it didn't happened under Jim Crow, it didn't happened after the passing of the Civil Rights Act of 1965 when the Black Panthers talked about freedom for Black people, and surely it isn't happening now when you have over a million black men in prison, unemployed, under-educated and whatever racial construct that lies in this country.
So why do many black celebrate July 4th? Is it because of the brain washing media or some kind of mind controlling device? Is it because of the brainwashing that takes place in the "educated" system that restricts certain types of information that would uplift African Americans about their history in this country?

I think it is all of that.

As a manner of fact, I think African Americans lives were constructed in such a way that they do not search for the truth about themselves or about what other people had done wrong to them.
Many rather live in a comfort zone until racism is starring at their face.

Is there hope for African Americans ever waking up from the shadows of evil?

Yes! but that depends or how much sacrafices they are willing to take. Because in life, in order to be free, you must live up to it. I know it isn't going to take overnight, but if you start now by teaching your children about what is behind every American holiday, you will be saving them from the sin of satanism.

In closing, I hope everyone enjoy their week. Right now I'm looking for Freelance Writers and Content Distributors for my Black Conscious website. In return for submitting good content to us, you will receive free advertisement. This is especially good for Affiliate Marketers looking to increase their web traffic for the purpose of selling products and services.

But first you must sign up to take advantage of this opportunity. Please click the link below for more details:

And thanks for reading this blog.
