Friday, April 20, 2007

Virginia Tech Shooting

I started this blog by talking about mind control and how it affects people's behavior, but I think many of my readers will just over look it. So I'm going to write this blog that is geared to a general populas.

One the person who did the shooting was ASIAN.

The person is from China.

China is a growing economic world power.

Asians are the highest achieving student in America.

The reason why I mentioned all of these things, is people are so quick to over look what is more important.

And as I see things, nothing is in a vaccum. If this incident happened, it is for a reason.
Do not think for one second that the white man is going to sit idioly by and let these Asian students push him aside as the new power authority. He will do whatever that is necessary to taint their image (as he has done blacks for centuries), until he can get them to be proud americans (alcholics, drug addics/sellers, homeless, prisioners, sexual predators, illeterate, etc. etc.).

I'm not painting a broad picture. I'm telling you how it is and what I have witness as an African American male.

You can continue to be STUPID, or you can open your EYES. YOUR CHOICE!

But these concerns are very real.

I might not be able to articulate this message in the way that will make you feel comfortable, but as a member of a oppressed group, I have to tell it the way it is.

I GOT THAT OFF MY CHEST! And there will be many more other posts like this one.

I don't have time to pretend. European world domination is real!

For instance, look at IRAQ, Afganistan and IRAN.

Why IRAQ, Afganistan and IRAN?

Doesn't it come off as strange that all of these countries are connected?

Think of the word "PIPELINE"

Think of the cold war.

It never really disappeared (that's what "they" (the emperior powers) want us to believe).

Just recently I saw a report on Nightline about Russia's economic influence, because it is an oil rich country.

The Americans aren't in Iraq and Afgan. to save people from the taliban. They are there to build this PIPELINE that will cover the entire middle east.

911 was just a coverup to build this damn! thing!!

911: Arab terriorist was never involved. These were contrators.. the same contrators that control these international corporations, which do not abid by U.S. laws.

So the next time you read the paper, watch tv or view the weblines, consider these facts first.